Virtual Events

Job Search Strategies

Presenter: David Leighton, co-founder and president of WITI

David Leighton's Job Search Strategy Coaching circle is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to enhance their job search skills and land their dream job. With over 30 years of experience, David provides expert guidance and support in developing creative job search strategies that go beyond the traditional methods of job searching. Participants will gain valuable insights into building and leveraging relationships, networking effectively, and accessing the hidden job market, where many of the best job opportunities are found.

In addition to providing expert guidance on job search strategies, attendees will also learn how to leverage the Women in Technology International (WITI) network to accomplish their career goals. WITI is a global organization that provides resources, connections, and opportunities for women in technology and business. Through this coaching circle, attendees will learn how to tap into the WITI network to expand their professional contacts, gain access to industry events, and unlock career opportunities that may not be publicly advertised.

David Leighton's coaching circle is designed to empower participants with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in their job search and achieve their career goals. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a seasoned expert and tap into the power of the WITI network to take your career to the next level. Don't miss out!


David Leighton is co-founder and current president of WITI. During his presidency, he has turned WITI into a global enterprise. He is a creative, highly-motivated relationship-builder, and has a strong network that covers multiple industries. He is the chairman of Risk Analysis Group, co-founder of Criterion Research, co-founder of Webolution, and previous executive team-builder at Borland International.