Jackye Clayton

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Diversity Hiring That Innovates Business: An atypical approach to solving a very typical hiring practice

Manager, speaker, author, facilitator, and moderator, Jackye Clayton teaches, inspires, and motivates people of all ages to become better recruiting, business, government, community, and family leaders. Jackye's background is a combination of recruiting, business analytics, and systems, primarily in the IT industry. Her forte is working with a team to develop and implement a new, lean, supply-chain model of talent acquisition.

Jackye recently joined Holiday Retirement as a Senior Recruiting Manager, to audit the current hiring process and identify process improvements to increase the yield of high-quality hires and reduce total time to fill open requisitions. In addition, for Sourcecon.com, Jackye writes the “Ask Jackye” column, where readers can ask any question about diversity sourcing and recruiting.

Some of Jackye's accolades include Business Women of the Year Role Model, Business Women of Excellence, and South Florida Mover & Shaker, among several others. But the business accomplishment she is most proud of is being able to place hundreds of people into the right job and the right company.