315: Why We Need Women Leaders to Win

Will Marre, Founder, SMART Power Academy
June 7, 10:45 am - 11:45 am  •  Donner Room

Women love technology but frequently hate the technology companies they work for - and consequently leave after years of fighting gender bias, unfriendly policies, lack of leadership opportunities, and women-hostile cultures. How can we change this? Having more women leaders is a proven competitive advantage, and the continuing female-talent exodus is a serious threat to the growth and prosperity of tech companies. Women's thinking, versatility, and social intelligence give them leadership advantages desperately needed in complex, collaborative working environments. This isn't just a theory; a woman's thinking patterns improve growth and profit. You do not need to "lean in" to succeed in toxic cultures. You need to "stand out," lead, and change these cultures. This session will show you five strategies for increasing your leadership power:

1. How to get opportunities to lead by developing a compelling leadership agenda that amplifies your credibility.
2. How to increase your influence and make persuasive presentations to a skeptical audience.
3. How to use structured collaboration to drive decision alignment.
4. How to create high accountability without being "bitchy."
5. How to promote changes in company policies that respect, encourage, and inspire women.