Rebecca Scholl

SVP, Strategy & Marketing/High Tech, Communications & Media, Xerox Corporation
204 - The Internet of Things: What Does it Take to Make the Internet of Everything Real?

Rebecca Scholl is vice president and Global Accounts Champion for Xerox. She manages co-innovation projects between Xerox and its largest customers. Ms. Scholl joined Xerox ten years ago and has held a variety of executive roles, including director of strategy for Xerox services in Europe, SVP Marketing for Xerox Services, Chief of Staff to the President and CEO of Xerox Services, and Client Managing Director for Global Accounts.

Previously with Gartner, Inc., Ms. Scholl was principal analyst in charge of business process outsourcing (BPO) research. She was responsible for conducting research and providing advice to clients procuring or delivering BPO services. Her research focused on human resources outsourcing, finance and accounting outsourcing, and offshore outsourcing. She was widely published, having written numerous reports on the emerging BPO market. Ms. Scholl earned an MBA from Community of European Management Schools, a Master's in Management from Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Paris, France, and a Master's in International Economic Relations from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France.