Cathy Pearl

Head of Conversation Design Outreach, Google

Cathy Pearl is the author of the O'Reilly book "Designing Voice User Interfaces." She is currently Head of Conversation Design Outreach at Google, where she helps people add voice to their product. Previously, Ms. Pearl was VP of User Experience at Sensely, whose virtual-nurse avatar, Molly, helps people engage with their healthcare. She has worked on everything from NASA helicopter-pilot simulators to a conversational iPad app in which Esquire magazine's style columnist tells users what they should wear on a first date. During her time at Nuance and Microsoft, Ms. Pearl designed VUIs (Voice User Interfaces) for banks, airlines, and Ford SYNC.

Ms. Pearl holds a BS in Cognitive Science from UCSD and an MS in Computer Science from Indiana University. She also enjoys getting her Amazon Echo & Google Home to talk to each other (see YouTube icon above).