Jeanne Nangle

Soul Coach, Jeanne Nangle Consulting
317 - Coaching Circle - GAINING CLARITY IN YOUR LIFE
376 - Coaching Circle - GET COMFORTABLE!

Soul Coach Jeanne Nangle seeks to empower high-achieving professionals to live with purpose, depth, and power. Her belief is that once we tap into the power of our Soul, we are unstoppable. Ms. Nangle began her career in technology, working in sales for IBM for 13 years. "While at IBM, I doubted myself constantly, even though I was extremely successful and received numerous awards. I've found that high-achievers often have high self-esteem, but also carry feelings of inadequacy. When I tapped into the power of my own thinking and the power of my Soul, I overcame my insecurities." Now, as a Soul Coach, Ms. Nangle helps others do the same - empowering people to overcome their negative thinking and limiting beliefs so they will fulfill their Soul's potential.

Ms. Nangle is the author of two books: The Butterfly Silhouette, a story of grief, personal transformation, and destiny; and The Thought Store, about the power of our thinking. Her writings have helped thousands of people all over the world uncover the essential part of themselves we call the Soul.