301 - Speed Mentoring

Julie Kantor, Founder & CEO, Twomentor LLC
June 11, 8:30 am - 9:30 am  •  Gateway Ballroom

Navigate Your Leadership + Elevate Others Through Mentor 2.0 (Mentoring and Sponsorship)

Mentoring relationships have the potential to lead to lasting and positive changes for both people involved, helping them build and strengthen personal brands, leadership and business ethics. If you've already had the opportunity to blaze a trail as a leader you have likely built solid relationships along the way-relationships that can be enhanced as a sponsor as well.

A mentor guides and advises. A sponsor elevates and champions others behind closed doors and might also be the one to say "yes!" and make the hiring or buying calls. Sponsorship puts people front and center, building engagement and increasing confidence. According to many research studies, this strategy results in a significant promotion for both parties.

Join other WITI leaders at this interactive session to:

1) Identify the benefits of mentoring and sponsorship as a key driver of leadership and employee engagement to build a more inclusive workforce

2) Reflection exercises to better understand the impact that mentors and sponsors have had in your life

3) Evaluate best practices in mentoring and internal strategies to elevate others

4) Nice to have or have to have? Build a business case for mentoring and sponsorship in your organization.

5) Connect and network with at least 5 other executives (many great relationships start here) through Twomentor's proprietary Flash Mentoring experience based on a journey.