Luck Is Not a Strategy!

Career success should not depend on luck, and you shouldn't leave it in someone else's hands. During these 45-minute coaching circles we'll walk through defining career success and the career planning process using the tiered system. These will be interactive and hands-on sessions. The first (March 29) will focus on Defining Career Success. April 26: What is the tiered process to career planning? May 31: Strategies to use to discover where you want your career to go. June 28: Mapping out 3, 5, 7, 10 years of advancement. July 26: Research strategies to stay in the know.

Coach: Suzanne Ricci
For more than 20 years, Suzanne Ricci has helped thousands of IT and business professionals achieve their career goals. She is the Network Director for WITI Tampa Bay, as well as the CEO of Computer Coach Technology Training Centers. Suzanne is an accomplished trainer, author, and speaker, and is passionate about career success.