Reach Your Fullest Potential-A2C OPEN HOUSE SR.02

Dr. Elizabeth Xu and A2C Student will discuss How o reach to your fullest fullest potential at work and with life!

Featured Speaker(s)

Elizabeth Xu is a public company board member and the CEO of A2C Academy. She has served as two CTO positions of billion-dollar revenue companies: CP Group and BMC Software. She became a C-level executive in 2005 at a public company. She provides coaching in Leadership, Digital Transformation, AI, and cloud. She is also an investor for early-stage companies.

Dr. Elizabeth Xu has taught at Stanford University for 6 years about leadership, and currently is a guest lecturer at Stanford University Teaching Digital Transformation at the Department of Engineering Management Science. She is also the advisor for MIT Innovation Initiatives.

Elizabeth earned a Ph.D. and two Master's Degrees. She is a Harvard certified board member and attended the Stanford Executive Program.

Elizabeth received the TOP 50 Diversity Leader in the United States in 2020, the Presidential Award in 2019, the Global Leadership Award in 2018, the WITI Hall of Fame Award in 2017, and Women of Influence in Silicon Valley in 2013. She also received 10+ other prestigious awards. She is a trailblazer, leading a creative and proven path to the top.

Elizabeth lives by the credo of the four �"L”s
- Live to my fullest potential.
- Love the people around me and enable them to reach their fullest potential.
- Learn continuously.
- Leave a legacy

Schedule of Events

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