Wake up with WITI - Morning Coffee - Job Search Strategy

Job Search Strategy!

Looking for real-world job search strategies that work? Our Wake-Up with WITI Speaker, Jennifer Newsome, will go over how she overcame the doubt and uncertainty of being down-sized during the COVID pandemic by utilizing successful job search strategies. This presentation is interactive and full of actionable tips you can start implementing the same day.

Featured Speaker(s)

Jennifer Newsome is a Business Intelligence Analyst, with a speciality in media and television research, and a passion for insightful data visualization. A big advocate for diversity and inclusion, Jennifer is a leader in promoting gender diversity and inclusion in the technology industry and spearheading Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education with young girls.

Schedule of Events

8:00 am to 8:15 am Round Robin Networking
8:15 am to 8:35 am Presentation
8:35 am to 9:00 am Add'l Round Robin Networking

Meeting Notes

WITI Tampa Bay strives to provide content-rich programs and a comfortable socially friendly networking environment.

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