Virtual Events

Mentor + You=Growth-Why you Need a Mentor Now More Than Ever

Presenter: Connie Ozmer, M. Ed, MBA, Manager, Course Faculty, College of Information Technology, Western Governors University (WGU)

Mentoring is a key part of career growth and is often touted as a difference-maker for both personal and professional pursuits. At Western Governors University, our mentoring model is one of the keys to our success. In this session, we will discuss:

- What mentoring can do for you
- How to get a mentor
- How to work with a mentor once you have one
- How to look for mentorship opportunities in different areas of your life

Connie Ozmer is currently a Course Instructor Manager in the College of IT and has worked for WGU for 8 years as both a mentor and manager of mentors. She holds a BA in Management Information Systems, a Masters Degree in Adult Education and Training, and a Masters Degree in Business Administration. She has industry experience as a web developer, testing project manager, and educator in the corporate world and private sector.