The Women Effect

Intelligence - Innovation - Impact

Change your life without missing a full day of work! Join us February 28, 2017 for a revolutionary training design based on neuroscience and leadership research.

Day One


12:00 - 5:15pm

  • Lunch: Pink Brain, Blue Brain You are not crazy: Understanding the CORE Intelligence Advantage (C- contextual, O- operational, R- relational, E- emotional.)
  • Gender Synergy 5 habits of SMART Power & the innovation matrix (This is the key process that is proven to enable women and men to optimize their work together.)
  • Supercharge Your Career How to take charge of your career and work satisfaction by understanding your "unique value proposition."
  • Work Like a Genius 1 The science-proven, best daily schedule to in­crease productivity and work+life satisfaction.
  • Mindfulness Ignite creativity plus a "sleep storming" challenge

5:15 - 6:00pm

  • Women, Wine and Cheese
  • Participant networking

Day Two

Checkin Opens

8:00am - 12:00pm

  • Gratitude and Growth Start each day with the one habit proven to make you both successful and happy.
  • 5 habits of SMART Power Leaders How to lead with the gender strengths of women drive innovation, growth and profits
  • Influence and Impact How to build a compelling business case for change based on cognitive science and gender research. (Jedi Mind Tricks)
  • Drive Accountability without Authority The specific process that enables you to commit, correct and re-focus colleagues and team members when you have no formal power.
  • Free Yourself A planning process based on Design Thinking that will launch a multi-week personal-professional development cycle supported by peer coaching

Celebration Lunch

  • Teams celebrate their insights and commitments followed by a Senior Executive Speaker honoring and encouraging the participants.
  • Post event development 21 daily videos to support integration of new thinking and behaviors