WITI Spotlight: Tripti Sethi - Leading the Charge in Data and AI at Avanade

Elizabeth Wronkowski

June 11, 2024

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From Industry to Consulting: A Journey of Innovation

Q: Would you call your path to Avanade conventional? And if so, why or why not?

Tripti's path to Avanade is a testament to her versatility and expertise in the field of analytics and data science. Before joining Avanade, she had a rich career across various industries, including manufacturing and insurance, where she honed her skills in analytics and machine learning. However, it was her transition to consulting that marked a significant turning point. Tripti's role at Avanade began with an entrepreneurial challenge: building an AI practice from the ground up.

"When I joined Avanade, I was tasked with setting up our AI practice. It was not what I expected at that point in my career, but it was an incredible opportunity to innovate and lead in a rapidly evolving field," she recalls.

Leading in Times of Rapid Technological Change

Q: Can you describe your first year at Avanade?

Tripti's first year at Avanade was a whirlwind of learning and adaptation. Moving from London to the Netherlands, she immersed herself in the Microsoft ecosystem, learning the tech, building strategies, and convincing different countries to invest in AI talent. Her efforts paid off as she successfully established a robust AI practice, positioning Avanade at the forefront of AI advancements.

Q: How did Microsoft's investment in OpenAI impact your work?

The rapid developments in AI, particularly with the rise of generative AI, have only fueled Tripti's passion for the field. "The excitement around AI, especially after OpenAI's breakthroughs, has been immense. Clients are eager to explore the possibilities, and it's our job to guide them responsibly and effectively," she explains.

Advocating for Diversity and Inclusion

Q: Avanade has been a major proponent of community and diversity within the company. What does that mean to you?

A significant aspect of Tripti's leadership is her commitment to diversity and inclusion. At Avanade, she has been a driving force behind initiatives aimed at achieving gender diversity in the data and AI practice. "We're aiming for 50% gender diversity. We're currently at 36%, but we can do better. It's crucial for people to see leaders who look like them and to feel represented," she says.

Her efforts extend beyond gender diversity to include a broader spectrum of inclusivity, encompassing different skills, races, and backgrounds. Tripti's leadership is characterized by a culture of support and empowerment, enabling her team to thrive and innovate.

Mentorship and Community Engagement

Q: Do you participate in any mentorship programs within Avanade?

Tripti's impact is not confined to her professional achievements. She is deeply involved in mentoring and community initiatives, such as the Women's Leadership Circle at Avanade and volunteering at AI hackathons. "It's incredibly energizing to engage with young minds and see their innovative ideas. It reminds me of the importance of giving back and nurturing the next generation of tech leaders," she says.

Her own experiences with mentorship have shaped her perspective on leadership. "I've had phenomenal mentors and allies, both male and female, who have supported me throughout my career. It's essential for the majority to advocate for underrepresented communities and create an inclusive environment," she emphasizes.

Balancing Career and Personal Life

Q: How do you balance your demanding career with personal life, especially as a new mother?

Tripti's journey is also marked by her ability to balance a demanding career with personal life. As a new mother, she appreciates the support and flexibility provided by Avanade. "The culture at Avanade is incredibly supportive. Our leaders genuinely care about our well-being and work-life balance, which makes a significant difference," she shares.

Professional Skills and Growth

Q: What professional skills have you found to be the most beneficial at Avanade?

"For me, the biggest skills are resilience and adaptability. With the rapid changes in AI, especially generative AI, being able to continuously learn and adapt is crucial. It's also important to create structure amidst the chaos and be comfortable with not knowing everything right away," Tripti explains.

Inspiration and Advice

Q: Did you always see yourself in this role, or did your career path take unexpected turns?

"I never imagined I'd be in this role. I studied mechanical engineering and thought I wouldn't stay in tech. But a few courses in operations research changed my path completely, leading me to the field of analytics," she reflects.

Q: What advice do you have for young professionals entering the field of technology?

"Be ready to learn all the time because this field changes rapidly. Also, know your superpowers and seek opportunities that allow you to leverage them. Whether you're passionate about coding or the business side of tech, find roles that let you excel in your strengths," she advises.


Tripti Sethi's story is one of resilience, innovation, and leadership. Her contributions to the field of data and AI, coupled with her commitment to diversity and community engagement, make her a remarkable figure in the tech industry. As she continues to lead Avanade's NA Data & AI practice, Tripti remains a source of inspiration for aspiring tech professionals, proving that with passion and perseverance, the possibilities are limitless.

Do you want to learn more about career opportunities and what it’s like to work at Avanade? Click here!

Opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of WITI.

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