Career Advancement: MOVIN' ON UP!

Are you are a professional woman that is having trouble climbing the corporate ladder and don't know why that is? Are you a mid level manager that is in their first leadership position and not confident? Do you feel that you should know how to manage your career by now and feel embarrassed that you don't? Have you been fired, laid off, unemployed or wish you had a different job? Bored and not feeling challenged? Feel like you should be doing more?

Women are being looked at for high level leadership positions more than ever. McKinsey recently conducted a study that ran in the Wall Street Journal which reported that "companies need to spend more time coaching women and offering more leadership training and rotation through various management roles before their ambitions sour." The study furthermore went on to state that the 'sour point' hits between 45 and 54 years old for women. Many women opt out of the corporate world, leaving behind untapped talent and leadership. And in today's fast moving marketplace, everyone loses.


Featured Speaker(s)

Elizabeth Lions studied psychology at the University of Maine. She started her career as a prominent headhunter on the west coast. Little did she know that job was her boot camp and the beginning of what would be today.

An accomplished author, Elizabeth wrote, 'Recession Proof Yourself' during the throes of recession in 2009. It was written to assist the 15 million Americans that lost their job during the great recession. Apparently, it struck a chord with readers.

In 2012, Elizabeth released, 'I Quit! Working For You Isn't Working For Me' She calls it her book for the survivors of recession and it is perfect for those in a confidential job search.

Elizabeth Lions has been quoted in Hot Jobs, The Ladders, and Dice job boards. Her words have reached as far as the front page of the Philadelphia Tribune, CBS Money Watch and John Tesh's blog. One morning she woke up to find her IEEE article had been translated in Mandarin! She encourages readers with solid career advice from all corners of the globe in Asia, India, Canada and the United States.

Amazingly, Elizabeth wrote and launched her first book while recovering from cancer. When asked, she stated that it was her way of leaving something behind larger than herself. The second book she refers to as 'the offering'.

Today, Elizabeth can be found headhunting, writing, coaching and leading the who's who of the corporate America. When she is not working, Elizabeth can be found traveling across state lines with her husband (me) on their Harley Davidson motorcycle or in the yoga studio twisting for hours on end.